Atlanta, Georgia is a great place to visit if you’re looking for great food, culture, entertainment, etc. in the United
States.  Coca-Cola was founded in Atlanta, GA, so you may want to visit and go on a tour of The World of Coca-Cola with your friends and family, where you can taste over 60 different products from around the world.  There are other places in Georgia that may like to check out, such as downtown Atlanta, the Georgia Aquarium, Zoo Atlanta, and Buckhead (which has been called “The Beverly Hills of the East”).  I’m Shaun Williams, an Atlanta native and enthusiast, and I highly recommend that you follow my website to learn insights on where to go and what to do when you visit Atlanta, GA.  My website helps you to achieve the vacation that you have been longing for- i.e. a trip that is fun, affordable, and memorable! Follow my site to receive updates on Atlanta attractions, and other useful travel information.



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